Many households are probably being inundated right now with graduation invitations. And I imagine as those invitations are opened, many recipients exclaim something like, "How can this child be old enough to graduate?" Surprisingly, the number invitations I've received this year in the category of "Children I've Never Even Met" only stands at one so far.
I have many diplomas and other ephemera from graduations ceremonies of grandparents and other family members. I also have my grandfather's 1940 class ring, which I slip on my finger occasionally.
These are two pages from his high school graduation program. This graduating class was nine students.

I hope that William C. George had a running joke his family that he graduated first in his class. No one needed to know that he was first alphabetically of nine students, right?
The page below is typical of graduation ceremonies even now, 83 years later.

Does anyone, anywhere, remember their class motto??