I find that nearly everyone contacts me about the below categories. Don't hesitate to reach out if your potential project doesn't fit into these areas.
All projects are $89/hr with only a 2 hour minimum requirement
Click HERE to submit a project inquiry!

Building or Verifying a Family Tree
I can build a family tree of any size, either starting from scratch or expanding a tree that you've already started. I can also verify the tree you've already created. I have a very broad knowledge base for locations, time periods and languages.
The tree will be housed on Ancestry.com in an account managed by you. You do not need a paid Ancestry subscription for this. You will grant me editor access and I will use my own subscription.
I will work in segments of research hours, giving you results after I complete each segment, working together to direct the research where you want it to go.
All projects start with just 2 hours of research.

Researching a "Roadblock" or a Research Problem
Can't find your 3rd great grandfather? Trying to track your great grandparents to their farm in Norway? Wondering if that family legend is true? I can work on targeted research subjects in any quantity of research hours.
Send me your research goal and I'll give you my research hour recommendation and explain the likelihood of reaching that goal.
All projects start with just 2 hours of research.

Research Travel
Want to send me somewhere to research on-site for you? Not everything is available online, obviously, and I can discover so much more when I'm in the location of your ancestors and fully able to utilize local knowledge and local context.
Contact me to discuss travel availability and estimate cost.